Ron Sverdloff and the Founding of Lifestyle & Mobility
11 December 2024 - by Matt Stanfield
How, When and Why Ron Sverdloff Founded Lifestyle & Mobility

Ron Sverdloff, pictured below, enjoying a day out with a LuXe Mobility scooter, set up what would become Lifestyle & Mobility in the aftermath of a tragic accident. An accident in which he himself was involved. In 1993 Ron and a group of his friends were involved in a Aged man lifting 19kg blue coloured carbonlite mobility scooter with one armcycle accident. A large lorry lost control on an icy road in France. Six cyclists were hit. One of Ron’s cyclist friends. Peter, was left paraplegic. Ron was “lucky” to escape with just a spinal injury which cost him 3″ in height. Given Peter’s tragic injuries, Ron Sverdloff set about doing something he had no prior experience of: building a powered wheelchair from scratch. He felt it was the least he could do for his now severely disabled friend.

The Midlands based engineer who helped Ron to build the mobility vehicle (from an old powerchair base and a reclining Range Rover seat scavenged from a scrapyard!) had a surprising offer. The mobility engineer told Ron that his enterprise needed a man like him down in Essex.

Whilst regularly visiting Peter in Stoke Mandeville Hospital, before his friend’s untimely death, Ron had a while to think. By the end of those sad months, he had made a decision.

This decision? It was to found a mobility business of his own.

The Scooter Club is Born

Located in Leigh-on-Sea, Ron’s mobility shop had humble beginnings. Still, it had a unique characteristic which set it apart from other retailers. This was the “Scooter Club”

And what was this? It was the offer of a free monthly excursion for those loyal early customers who played such a part in making Ron Sverdloff’s brainchild what it now is.

Grand Opening

Ron Sverdloff and Paralympian Anne Wafula-Strike celebrate 21 years of Lifestyle & Mobility

These free monthly day trips were a roaring success. Because the Scooter Club offered exciting days out for mobility vehicle users, it became a highlight of many customers’ calendars. One example of a day out which the Scooter Cub offered was a surprise both for the membership and onlookers. Ron had organised 20 minutes on the Lakeside go-karting circuit for mobility scooter racing!

From such a characteristically innovative and personal start, Ron’s company grew and grew. And so, here we are, more than two decades on, in communities across the UK.

Further Information

If this has whetted your appetite to learn more about the company, we’re always happy to chat. Please feel free to contact us via or on 02081 597070

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